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Guest Blogging

Guest Blogging

Why Is Guest Blogging Important For Your Business?
Guest blogging is the practice of writing and publishing a blog post on another person or company’s website. Most guest bloggers receive credit for their post (and a link to their website) in their author byline.

Why is guest blogging important?

Guest blogging is important because it helps you build relationships with others in your industry, expose your brand to a new audience, drive referral traffic to your website, establish yourself as a thought leader, and build potentially SEO-boosting backlinks to your website.

Best practices for guest blogging

Let’s take a look at a few best practices for guest blogging.

Pitch relevant websites

Guest blogging can expose your brand to a new audience, but this won’t help you unless you pitch websites with audiences that are interested in your brand and the topic you’re writing about.

Pitch sites with traffic

Guest blogging helps get your brand in front of a new audience and drive referral traffic to your website, but both of those things are only likely to happen if the site you write for actually gets traffic.

Pitch multiple sites at once

No matter how good your pitch is, the harsh reality of guest blogging is that many blogs will ignore your email because most are inundated with guest post pitches daily. They simply don’t have time to respond to everyone.

Basic $299

Turnaround Time of 5 days

Dedicated Team Members

Content Length (in Words) 850+

100% Real Websites/Blogs

Relevant Websites/Blogs

Social Sharing

Increase Website Authority

Quality Traffic

Guest Blogging Basic Monthly

$299.00 now.

Buy Now

Membership expires after 1 Month.

Turnaround Time of 10 days

Dedicated Team Members

Content Length (in Words) 1000+

100% Real Websites/Blogs

Relevant Websites/Blogs

Social Sharing

Increase Website Authority

Quality Traffic

Guest Blogging PRO Monthly

$499.00 now.

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Membership expires after 1 Month.

Enterprise $699

Turnaround Time of 15 days

Dedicated Team Members

Content Length (in Words) 1850+

100% Real Websites/Blogs

Relevant Websites/Blogs

Social Sharing

Increase Website Authority

Quality Traffic

Guest Blogging Enterprise Monthly

$699.00 now.

Buy Now

Membership expires after 1 Month.

Basic/Yearly $249

Turnaround Time of 5 days

Dedicated Team Members

Content Length (in Words) 850+

100% Real Websites/Blogs

Relevant Websites/Blogs

Social Sharing

Increase Website Authority

Quality Traffic

Guest Blogging Basic Yearly

$2,988.00 now.

Buy Now

Membership expires after 12 Months.

Turnaround Time of 10 days

Dedicated Team Members

Content Length (in Words) 1000+

100% Real Websites/Blogs

Relevant Websites/Blogs

Social Sharing

Increase Website Authority

Quality Traffic

Guest Blogging PRO Yearly

$5,388.00 now.

Buy Now

Membership expires after 12 Months.

Enterprise/Yearly $649

Turnaround Time of 15 days

Dedicated Team Members

Content Length (in Words) 1850+

100% Real Websites/Blogs

Relevant Websites/Blogs

Social Sharing

Increase Website Authority

Quality Traffic

Guest Blogging Enterprise Yearly

$7,788.00 now.

Buy Now

Membership expires after 12 Months.